These are the stories of key figures in the community to prepare for a natural disaster on the Gig Harbor & Key Peninsulas.
All three individuals have all been extensively involved as firefighters and in fire-fighter associations. They have each served in PEP-C for over 20 years.
Interviews by Jane Olive
Learn to whom the statement applies - Read their story by clicking on a line!
>Worked for the CIA for almost twenty-seven years
>Learned how to work with explosives when he was only nine or ten years old
>Served on the USS Hornet in the Pacific dealing with Navy Nuclear Weapons
>Went to five hundred car accidents and thousands of aid calls over the decades
>Was aboard the submarine, USS perch APSS 313
>Captain in the Fire department for twenty-six years
>School principal for almost two decades
>Involved with the Key Peninsula News and the Gateway papers
>Was an instructional materials specialist for education departments in Oregon and Gig Harbor
>Taught in the women's prison
>Served on the Washington Fire commissioners Association Board of Directors for fourteen years
>Was a battalion chief