The primary purpose of the Gig Harbor and Key Peninsula Emergency Preparedness Committee (PEP-C), is to provide general information on how to prepare you, your family and your home for a major disaster. Information has been gathered from many sources including a number of publications in the public domain. Additionally, the Gig Harbor - Key Peninsula Emergency Preparedness Committee (PEP-C) has used publications obtained from the Pierce County Department of Emergency Management, the Tacoma Chapter of the American Red Cross, FEMA, and other professional sources to provide detailed information on important subjects such as preparing a family disaster plan, assembling disaster supply kits, and emergency preparedness checklists. If any copyright has been infringed, it was unintentional. The possibility of a site such as this, as with other collections of electronic texts, depends on the large availability of public domain material.
This site seeks to abide by US copyright law: the copyright status of texts here outside the US may be different. Efforts have been made to ascertain the copyright status of all texts here. This site is intended for personal and educational use. Notification of copyright infringement will result in the immediate removal of a text until its status is resolved.
The services of PEP-C are free. Individuals are free to copy and/or distribute the materials found on this website. Please quote in context, render due credit, and reference this website (www.pep-c.org) as a source. This permission does NOT apply to portions of this site or links that display copyright protection. Please negotiate with those copyright owners for permission to copy and distribute. Under no circumstances are the materials on this website to be sold.
Opinions expressed in sites linking to www.pep-c.org are those of the site authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PEP-C. The inclusion of material from or links to commercial or religious sites on this website is done because such have helpful information or offer products not generally found locally at retail markets. PEP-C receives no compensation for linking to such commercial or religious sites. The information in these materials was compiled and checked by authoritative emergency services sources.
The recommendations and suggestions included in these materials are intended to assist the reader in improving disaster preparedness, response and mitigation. There is no guarantee, however, that such can or will be accomplished. While every reasonable effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information in these materials, PEP-C does not and cannot warrant the same. PEP-C is not responsible and assumes no liability for any actions undertaken by any person utilizing information contained in these materials.The reader assumes all and every risk in using or applying the information contained in these materials and PEP-C is not liable for any injury, death or property damage that occurs in connection with a disaster or other emergency. Any survival situation is inherently dangerous and could result in your or any other survivor's injury, maiming or death.
The primary purpose of the Gig Harbor and Key Peninsula Emergency Preparedness Committee (PEP-C), is to provide general information on how to prepare you, your family and your home for a major disaster. Information has been gathered from many sources including a number of publications in the public domain. Additionally, the Gig Harbor - Key Peninsula Emergency Preparedness Committee (PEP-C) has used publications obtained from the Pierce County Department of Emergency Management, the Tacoma Chapter of the American Red Cross, FEMA, and other professional sources to provide detailed information on important subjects such as preparing a family disaster plan, assembling disaster supply kits, and emergency preparedness checklists. If any copyright has been infringed, it was unintentional. The possibility of a site such as this, as with other collections of electronic texts, depends on the large availability of public domain material.
This site seeks to abide by US copyright law: the copyright status of texts here outside the US may be different. Efforts have been made to ascertain the copyright status of all texts here. This site is intended for personal and educational use. Notification of copyright infringement will result in the immediate removal of a text until its status is resolved.
The services of PEP-C are free. Individuals are free to copy and/or distribute the materials found on this website. Please quote in context, render due credit, and reference this website (www.pep-c.org) as a source. This permission does NOT apply to portions of this site or links that display copyright protection. Please negotiate with those copyright owners for permission to copy and distribute. Under no circumstances are the materials on this website to be sold.
Opinions expressed in sites linking to www.pep-c.org are those of the site authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PEP-C. The inclusion of material from or links to commercial or religious sites on this website is done because such have helpful information or offer products not generally found locally at retail markets. PEP-C receives no compensation for linking to such commercial or religious sites. The information in these materials was compiled and checked by authoritative emergency services sources.
The recommendations and suggestions included in these materials are intended to assist the reader in improving disaster preparedness, response and mitigation. There is no guarantee, however, that such can or will be accomplished. While every reasonable effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information in these materials, PEP-C does not and cannot warrant the same. PEP-C is not responsible and assumes no liability for any actions undertaken by any person utilizing information contained in these materials.The reader assumes all and every risk in using or applying the information contained in these materials and PEP-C is not liable for any injury, death or property damage that occurs in connection with a disaster or other emergency. Any survival situation is inherently dangerous and could result in your or any other survivor's injury, maiming or death.